SERMACS 2022 Exhibition
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico Convention Center
October 19-22, 2022
73rd Southeastern Regional American Chemical Society Meeting - Exhibition
Chemistry Transcending Boundaries for a Sustainable Future
SERMACS 2022 is expected to be one of the largest ACS regional meetings of chemistry professionals. Our program includes the most progressive symposia topics and scientific presentations, a number of professional and student activities, and many exhibits for you to choose from. As an attendee or exhibitor, you are sure to share a broad range of new information from state-of-the-art developments. We encourage you to visit and take advantage this important part of the meeting.
List of Exhibitors
SERMACS 2022 Exhibition, Puerto Rico Convention Center Ballroom Foyer (Third Floor)
Click the Company logo to access the exhibitor’s website
Exhibitors: Lead Capture Service for SERMACS is provided by Cvent. Click here for more information.
Wednesday, October 19, 6:30 – 8:30 pm (Opening)
Thursday, October 20, 9:30 am – 7:00 pm
Friday, October 21, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
ACS One: Membership, Publications and CAS (Booths 18, 19 and 20) Platinum Sponsor
SERMACS 2022 Exhibition Area
PRCC Third Level Foyer
Move in: Tuesday October 18, 2022; Event Days: Wed Oct 19-22, 2022; Move Out: Saturday, Oct 22

Become an Exhibitors
Downloads and Contacts
Contact: Lisa Houston, the SERMACS 2022 Exposition Chair for more informatio
Perks for Exhibitors:
Booth spaces in the Exhibit Hall are $1200 for single and $2000 for double, before August 1, 2022. On or after August 1, 2022, the rental fee for a single or double manned booth will be $1,400 or $2200, repectively. The rental period for vendor expo booths will be from 8 am Wednesday, October 19 to 5 pm Friday, October 21, 2022.
The rental fee for a single manned graduate school booth is $400 and a double booth is $600. The rental period for graduate school booths will be from 8 am October 20 to 4 pm October 21, 2022.
To participate in the Vendor Prize Drawing during the Opening Reception/Mixer, a prize worth $50 or more has to be made available by the vendor.
Spaces will be chosen by the vendor based on those available at the time of purchase.
Company logos will be hot-linked from the SERMACS 2022 exposition page for an additional $50.