Call For Abstracts

San Juan, Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico Convention Center
October 19-22, 2022


General Technical Presentation Abstracts

Technical Presentation Abstracts

The call for abstracts and the guidelines for oral presentations and posters submission is now closed. Thank you for submitting your abstract on time. Your will soon receive further information and guidelines on your submitted abstract.

All  abstract submissions are managed by the ACS MAPS (Meeting Abstracts Programming System). 

The request for a Visa Letter  will be also be managed through ACS MAPS, as part of the abstract submission process. 

Research Areas - General Sessions

General Analytical Sessions [Oral and Poster]
Separations, electroanalytical chemistry, spectroscopy, bioanalytical, imaging science, chemical sensors, biological mass spectrometry, 

General Biochemistry Sessions [Oral and Poster]
All modern areas of biochemistry

General Inorganic Sessions [Oral and Poster]
Coordination and organometallic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, metal-organic frameworks and porous materials

General Organic Chemistry Sessions [Oral and Poster]
Asymmetric reactions and synthesis, metal-mediated reactions, new reactions and methodology, total synthesis of complex molecules, heterocyclic chemistry,  bioorganic chemistry, natural products, lipids, enzyme inhibitors, medicinal chemistry

General Physical Chemistry Sessions [Oral and Poster]
Experimental traditional, experimental biophysical, theoretical  and computational chemistry

General Chemical Education  Sessions [Oral and Poster]

General History of Chemistry Sessions [Oral and Poster]

Recent Advances in Industrial, Environmental and Green Chemistry 

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