Curricular innovations in undergraduate organic chemistry laboratories

Organizer: Daniel Cruz-Ramires de Arellano, U. South Florida,

The organic chemistry laboratory course remains an integral part of organic chemistry curricula all over the nation. While most chemical educators agree with the importance of the laboratory course component, there are a variety of approaches used to conduct and assess them, including project-based, guided inquiry-based, open inquiry-based, and others. Furthermore, the demand
for alternate ways of content delivery (mostly in online or virtual scenarios) and for the inclusion of real-world applications has catalyzed many innovative ways in which students are learning organic chemistry principles in a laboratory setting. This symposium invites papers from practitioners and researchers that describe any curricular innovation related to the organic chemistry laboratory. Topics can include but are not limited to: development of new experiments for specific learning objectives, development of digital resources, development of project-based or inquiry-based curricula, addressing safety and waste management in the laboratory, alternate ways of reporting laboratory data and assessing student performance, integrating spectroscopy into the laboratory, scaling laboratory experiments in large-enrollment courses, and incorporating
the principles of green chemistry to the organic chemistry laboratory.